I just gave my parents flowers tonight (I know, I'm the best daughter). But I have to admit when deciding on a flower, I had no idea and just grabbed Lilies. How do you decide? And because I can't let any question go unanswered, I turned to Google. Yes, I have a weird Google obsession but I found some interesting flower meanings. Makes you think twice about giving and receiving flowers.
Apple Blossom
Symbolic of heady love, peace, sensuality and fertility. Used as a visual aphrodisiac.
Meanings of faith, honesty, truth, forgiveness and forthrightness. They are ever vigilant in returning each spring. Used as a token of forgiveness or to show appreciation for honesty.
Represents fertility and nurturing. They symbolize partnerships and long lasting relationships. Give lilies to new mothers and brides-to-be.
Meanings vary according to color. Symbolic of deep love, concentration, intelligence, balance and passion. Used for healing, rejuvenation and courage. They resemble intense commitment on many levels. Give roses only when you are serious about your intentions.
Symbolic of good luck, wealth and ambition. They resemble new opportunities. Give sunflowers to someone who is working toward a goal and needs a big break in their lives. Also make an excellent housewarming gift.
thanks for the defintions...now i will know what it means when i give ash flowers all the time...
Glad I could help Ed! Hopefully you won't be giving her daffodils:)
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